Availablity and Usage

About Availability and Usage Indicators

Track and measure the availability and usage of technology services to identify resource allocation gaps and drive equitable access across Ontario. With standardized data, libraries can effectively advocate for increased resources and funding to close disparities, advancing digital inclusion for all.


Streamlined Data Collection and Input

Our easy-to-use monthly and yearly interface allows libraries to collect consistent data across key technology categories. Data can be backdated and tracked by month/year, with flexibility to input at your convenience. Libraries can review progress, monitor historical trends, and use detailed metrics to identify gaps and set informed goals. Plus, libraries can access customizable reports and flat file downloads to support advocacy and decision-making.

Alternate Text
Availability and Usage - Pro (Optional)
  • Data Input Dashboard (Monthly or Yearly)
  • Custom data dashboard, benchmarking and reports
    • Only Me
    • Historical
    • All Ontario
    • Peer Group
  • Flat file download
  • Resources

Benchmarking & Reporting

Bridge leverages standardized, comparable data across Ontario to help libraries measure performance, identify strengths, and drive improvements. This consistent data enables libraries to benchmark against peers, advocate for resources, and demonstrate their impact. By using this data, libraries can make informed decisions, promote digital inclusion, and achieve measurable, equitable outcomes for their communities.

Ready to sign up today

Fill out our registration form to join Bridge today. Activate your FREE subscription and gain access to data that will maximize your library benefits, while minimizing your time collecting and measuring data to advocate for library sustainability and growth

Sign Up Here!

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