Patron Survey

Bridge Patron Survey

About the patron survey

This component involves collecting feedback directly from library users regarding their experiences with technology services to demonstrate how technology through the library changes lives. It helps assess the effectiveness of current services, identify areas for improvement, and gather valuable insights into users' digital needs and preferences. It further collects reasons for non-use open qualitative feedback and voluntary equity data.

Bridge Outcome Measurement

What outcomes are measured?

The Bridge outcome framework serves as the structural basis of the data collected through the Bridge Patron Survey, allowing public libraries across Ontario to measure service performance and outcomes that are streamlined and comparable. The framework is two-tiered and includes five outcomes.

Primary Outcomes

  • Digital Inclusion and Equitable Access:Libraries are essential to building digitally inclusive communities, bridging inequities to technology access.
  • Digital Literacy and Adoption:Libraries are responsive in supporting digital literacy in their communities.

Secondary Outcomes

  • Community/Social and Civic Engagement:Libraries enable patrons to establish and maintain meaningful connections and provide critical access to public resources.
  • Creativity and Innovation:Libraries foster ideation and creative expression.
  • Workforce Development:Libraries facilitate education, enable employable skills and support the various stages of the job search process.
Bridge Outcome Framework

Primary & Secondary Outcomes

Together, these two primary and four secondary outcomes create a framework to measure and benchmark how technology access in public libraries improves the lives of residents across Ontario while advancing the broader impact of government strategies and programs. Bridge also helps libraries understand and demonstrate not only how technology services directly benefit residents of their communities, but how these services align with and support social and economic priorities at multiple levels of governments.

Bridge Patron Survey

Administering the Patron Survey

The patron survey tells us how people are using library technology, how satisfied they are with the libraries technology and helpfulness of staff and how technology through the library has impacted their lives. When customers complete the survey online, the results go directly into Bridge software where it is stored and visualized through reporting features. All front-line staff are involved in distributing information, publicity and access to the patron survey link ad hoc and bi-monthly at technology use/training/support or during designated survey periods.You can also print the survey by downloading it in PDF or Word for those that want a paper copy. 

Bridge Patron Survey

Survey facts

  • Available in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Chinese (Traditional), Punjabi, Spanish
  • Private and aggregated
  • Voluntary demographic section
  • Must be 13 years of age or older
  • The same customer should complete the survey no more than once per month.
  • Takes 3-5 minutes to complete depending on how much technology the customer has interacted with.
  • Survey measures performance and outcomes based on interaction and use of library technology services (connecting to internet, equipment & software and digital literacy class and support)
  • If you did not use library technology the survey will still capture customer reason for non-use and open feedback.
  • All Bridge data is captured even if the survey is involuntarily or intentionally exited. If time is an issue, staff may suggest for customers to complete mandatory questions only. These questions have an asterisk* next to it. The customer can wait until the following survey period to do the survey again if they feel they did not get to finish.
  • The survey is AODA compliant.
Our Data Services

Frequency of survey

It is important to track and respond to emerging patron needs on a regular basis. It is recommended that the Patron Survey be administered no less than BI-MONTHLY and that ALL libraries follow the SAME monthly schedule for benchmarking and data integrity;

  • January
  • March
  • May
  • July
  • September
  • November

The survey should be promoted for one full week to avoid survey fatigue. However, the survey does not close; it remains open at all times so that responses can still be captured outside of the 7-day period for each survey month.  Staff that are assisting customers with technology in any way (information, access, distribution, training or support) should encourage NEW customers to take a few minutes to fill out the Bridge Patron Survey so that the library can capture how satisfied they were with that library service.

Our Data Policy

Patron survey terms of use and privacy statement

We invite you to answer a few questions about your use of technology services at the public library this month. Technology services include:

  • Connecting to the Internet (e.g., through WiFi, at a workstation, etc.)
  • Equipment & Software (e.g., audio-visual production equipment, business-related software, devices used for entertainment, etc.)
  • Digital Literacy Technology Classes
  • Digital Literacy Technology Support (i.e., one-to-one support)

The survey will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete. Your answers will help the public library improve and prioritize its technology services and show how important it is for those services to be delivered to the community. We ask that you answer the questions honestly. Have you completed this survey already this month? If so, you do not need to respond again.

Terms of Use - Privacy Notice

Your responses as part of the Bridge Patron Survey are confidential. None of your answers will be associated with you personally, and your individual responses will not be reported. Rather, results will be aggregated in summary format. Data collection is based on your express consent that you give by volunteering responses in the survey. Bridge Toolkit Technology Service survey adheres to  Digital Privacy and Access to Information.

Terms of Use - Information Collection Notice

The information we collect in this survey will be used for the proper administration and evaluation of technology services in Ontario public libraries by Library Impact Ontario, as well as for reporting , improving and promoting library technology programs and services. Any information shared publicly will not identify you. The information on this form is collected under the authority of sections 20 (a) and (d) of the Public Libraries Act. Questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the Policy, Planning and Performance Management, Toronto Public Library, 5120 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, M4W 2G8,

Data for Equity

Patron Survey Data for Equity Statement

  • Voluntary Demographic Questions

We collect voluntary demographic information about library users to help us understand who is using our services and programs and their needs. This information will help us improve our services and understand the communities we serve. All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. The questions are voluntary and you can select ‘prefer not to answer’ for any question you don't want to answer.

Data for equity

Equity Snapshot

Leverage data for equitable decision-making in libraries with our Bridge Equity Snapshot. This automated quarterly and annual report, emailed to Ontario public libraries, provides comparative benchmarking by size and region. Uncover gaps in services, tailor offerings, and address disparities through insightful demographic analysis. Track the impact of initiatives on diverse groups, fostering continuous improvement and responsiveness to community needs. Simplify data-driven insights with minimal effort for maximum results – creating an inclusive and supportive library environment for all.

Ready to sign up today

Fill out our registration form to join Bridge today. Activate your FREE subscription and gain access to data that will maximize your library benefits, while minimizing your time collecting and measuring data to advocate for library sustainability and growth

Sign Up Here!

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